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  • Erasmus + Project Prácticas inclusivas de enseñanza creativa e innovadora con TIC/TAC en escuelas de especial dificultad. PIECIT (2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095780 ‘Inclusive practices of creative and innovative teaching with ICT/LKT in schools of special difficulty’. Entity: Campus iberus (2021/2023).
  • DAR´TE: Growing Together [DAR´TE: Para crescermos juntos] – SCMS (Proposing Entity) and ISS-ULHT, Polythechnic  Institute of Santarém, HEI Lab, Noémia Igreja, Lda., Mya Project & Judo Association of de Santarém (Partner Entities). Funding Portugal 2020 – Portugal Social Innovation – Partnerships for Social Impact (2020/2023).
  • MentHA Digital – Mental Health and Ageing, won first place in the public funding contest, launched by the Directorate-General of Health (DGS), under the National Program for Mental Health (DGS-N-21-39-7).
  • Mind the Gap: MIND THE GAP: Step Up for Gender Equality. O projeto é coordenado pela AIDOS (Itália) e implementado em parceria com: Associação para Planeamento Familiar (Portugal); Médicos del Mundo (Espanha); e END FGM European Network (Bélgica). Partnership between the APF and ISS-ULHT on Training/ Awareness activities. Funding from the European Union (2021/2022).

Without funding

  • Entreprise’s Social Work: Pratices, Possibilities and Challenges [Serviço Social de Empresa: Práticas, Possibilidades e Desafios] (2022/2024). ISS-ULHT
  • Quality of Life, Emotional and Social Competencies & Empathy [Qualidade de Vida, Competências Emocionais e Sociais & Empatia] (2022/ 2023). ISS-ULHT
  • Competencies profile of the Social Worker in specific contexts of intervention [Perfil de Competências do assistente social em contextos específicos de intervenção] (2020/2023). ISS-ULHT